What a Difference a Year Makes

The first day of school. It is unarguably my favorite day of the year. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE summer. The quiet mornings, not enforcing bed time, the lazy days. But once you get past July those days begin to drag. And drag. And then drag a little more. Everyone is bored. It’s too hot to go outside, and then this year the threat of West Nile has kept us inside even more than we usually do. There are confirmed cases IN OUR COUNTY. No thanks, I’ll just stay indoors.

So by the second week of August, it’s time. Past time. And in Texas, we have some crazy law that makes us wait until the fourth Monday or something. Too long. At least if they are going to be indoors all day, they should be gettin their learnin on. Or something.

But the day has finally come. Bedtime went well last night. No problems there.

I knew this morning would be rough with V. She had an allergy attack on Friday and has not recovered. Her eyes are swollen, her throat hurts and it’s next to impossible to get her to take any kind of medication. Add that to the fact that she doesn’t really have any friends in her class this year and I predicted this morning would not be so smooth.

After a bit of a rough start, we pulled it together. I made her a waffle, got her some juice (with a crushed up Claritin in it) and she managed to get a smile on her face.

M was excited (she’s enough like me that she likes the first day, it’s all the rest that she hates), and got up easily. We completed steps three and four of her hair, and got the make-up just right.

And my pics were SLIGHTLY better than last year.

Look! I managed to get M out of jeans! And into a skirt! Pretty sure it has to do with boys, but I’m trying not to think about that. When the boys start sharing her taste in music, THAT’S when I’ll worry.

Overall, good morning. I’m hoping for a great year.